Tuesday 7 January 2014

First thoughts

I am the mother of two girls.

They are very different characters and I adore both of them. They are funny, clever, quick, kind and beautiful. There are times I feel frustrated or impatient with them, but I love them unconditionally.

I'm aware that their future will be very different to the one I had as a child, and that being a girl in 2014 has many challenges as well as opportunities.

I started thinking about the songs they were listening to - the role models they see on TV and on music videos, their friendships, the media - everything that they are exposed to.

The singer, Sophie Ellis-Bexter, recently said she was glad she had boys due to the sexualisation of children.

I'm a nurse, and I have an interest in safeguarding children. As a mother, how can I protect my children? Am I a good role model for women? How can I prevent any issues I may have with my body image / relationships / self esteem from affecting them?

My mum told me that women could do anything, but her marriage to my father was very "traditional", and despite my partner having a strong belief in women's equality, often we slip into more "traditional" roles.

So, I have started a blog, thinking about some of these issues, and finding songs, books, films, toys that all have a strong and positive message for all children, but especially girls.

Please feel free to share your thoughts too.

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